The DELF ("Diplome d'Etudes en Langue Francaise") and DALF ("Diplome Approfondi de Langue Francaise") consist of 6 diplomas independent from each other.
They correspond to the 6 levels of the Common European Framework of References for languages. They are the only French as foreign language qualifications which are officially recognized by the French ministry of Education. They are internationally valid.
Viva Institute imparts training in Spanish,French, Italian besides providing courses on Voice accent.
The DELF A1 and A2 for the elementary user validate a basic knowledge of French and a "survival" level for daily life.
The DELF B1 and B2 for the independent user confirms a good knowledge of French and the ability to communicate verbally and in writing covering a wide range of topics within the modern French language.
The DALF C1 and C2 for the proficient user validate fluent and spontaneous communication skills at highest level and include specialized topics, chosen by the candidate himself. Candidates who have been awarded the DALF C1 or DALF C2 are exempted from language entrance examinations in French Universities.
The junior version of DELF has the same basic structure as the standard DELF. Only the topics are different: the materials take into account the interests of young people.
It can only be taken by children of secondary-level age. The diploma awarded is identical to the standard DELF diploma.
The examinations are independent, and candidates can register for the examination of their choice. Each examination evaluates the four communication skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking.
There are four diplomas for teenagers and schoolchildren:
These are diplomas which attest to a level of competence in French. The holders of such diplomas are able to express themselves in society, private life and in more business-like situations.
Who can enter for the DELF 1st level?
Anybody having the required level in French or who has had adequate tuition and whose mother tongue is not French. There is no age limit.
Who can enter for the DELF 2nd level?
Anybody who already has DELF 1st level and who has reached the required level.
It is a diploma which attests to a good level of French acknowledged by French universities, public institutions and companies. The DALF can replace the French test enabling access to French universities.
Who can enter for the DALF?
Anybody who has passed the DELF 2nd level may enroll for any of the 4 units of DALF.
DALF access test
Anybody who thinks they have the required level may take this test. Success enables the candidate to then enroll for the different units of the DALF without having to do the 6 units of DELF. Success in this test provides an equivalent level but certificates for DELF, 1st and 2nd level are only given if the examinations are taken.
A1 Breakthrough Phase
At the end of these 2 levels , you acquire the basics of French. In this phase, you are prepared for DELF A1.
A2 Survival Phase
At the end of these 2 levels, you attain, the survival phase of learning. You could appear to DELF A2 on completing these 2 levels.
B1 Threshold Phase
At the end of these 2 levels, you will be able to manage and converse in most of the current days situations. These levels prepare you for DELF B1.
B2 Independent Phase
On completing these 2 levels, you acquire fluidity to communicate and you are able to make arguments on several topics. These 2 levels prepare you for DELF B2.
Diploma de Espanol (nivel A1)
The test accredits that students´ ability to use basic language in communication situations involving immediate needs or very common
Diploma de Espanol (nivel A2)
The test accredits that students can understand commonly-used everyday phrases and expressions related to areas of experience particularly relevant to them (e.g. basic information about themselves and their families, shopping, places of interest, occupations, etc.)
Diploma de Espanol (nivel B1)
The test accredits language users capacity to:
Diploma de Espanol (nivel B2)
TThe test accredits language users capacity to